Muhammad Arham
Machine Design Course Project
My team won the class-wide 3rd year mechanical engineering design competition.
All teams were tasked with designing a gearbox and housing to be used in the same RC car in two events: towing, and a timed race. All components would be 3D printed using the same printers by the course instructors. We came up with a gear ratio optimizer model in Matlab which we used to determine the ratios we would run for each event: 3:1 for towing, and 0.5789:1 for speed (both with a safety factor for assumptions and incalculable variables). I designed the gearbox and housing. The housing was designed to minimize mass and print time without compromising structural integrity. The housing design was modular with no need for additional hardware or adhesive to secure it and the design was validated using FEA in Ansys. We scored maximum points in the towing competition, towing the full maximum distance, and won the race by a significant margine, winning the overall competition.