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APSC 200 Design Project - Hydroelectric Power Generation


My team (Team 1) won the class-wide 2nd year Mechanical Engineering design competition. All teams were tasked with making a hydroelectric turbine (using the same small brushed DC motor as the generator) for a small, mock downhill flowing river (inclined 2" diameter ABS half pipe) with a maximum footprint of 6"x 4" on the river bank. I designed the turbine. It was a waterwheel designed to harness the water's kinetic energy to generate maximum torque which would be transmitted through a 3 stage 1:25 ratio gearbox to the generator. The waterwheel had a 6" radius and 13 blades to maximize duration without interfering with each other. The blades were designed to minimize splashing and spray and were individually adjustable (vertically) so they could be adjusted for various riverbed terrains and flows. The hub of the waterwheel and the blades were 3D printed. Our group produced more power in the allotted time than all other groups combined.

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